The advances and developments in the field of information technologies have made it possible for people to witness unprecedented innovations. Artificial intelligence (AI), which emerged as an idea during the Second World War, gained momentum in the 21st century and led to the emergence of a new field of study called robotics. The most important aspect to know about robotics is that robotics and related technologies are not static and prone to evolve very fast. Therefore, it will not be difficult to say the future of robotics is bright. However, it is very difficult to exactly predict and imagine what it will be like in the future. With the exponential increase in knowledge, experience, and interest in the field of robotics, the future of robotics will present the world with unimaginable results. In the future, it is inevitable that robots with more functional and complex features will emerge.

Studies conducted in the field of robotics tell that the future of robotics will showcase robots that can perform routine tasks in all areas will soon emerge. With robots being trained in accordance with specific purposes, it will be possible to see the robots perform many tasks. However, both time and care are required for this. With the completion of this training process, it would not be wrong to say that office robots will be used globally. In addition, the development of third generation robots between 2030 and 2040 is among the future expectations of robotics. In addition to their physical features, robots will possess psychological and cultural characteristics.
It is not unreasonable to expect that the fourth generation of robots can function almost completely like human beings, carrying a device like a human brain. Fourth generation robots have the potential to replace humans in many fields.
Contribution of Robotics
It is possible to list the contributions of robots to human life as follows:
- Physical Convenience: It is possible for robots to carry out the tasks that need to be physically executed and are exhausting and time-consuming.
- Health and Safety: Robots can operate in situations and locations that are dangerous and/or unsafe for individuals such as mine fields and nuclear plants.
- Quality in Production: In various production processes, robots can provide higher precision and accuracy.
- Continuous Improvement: Teaching and training people is very difficult. Moreover, humans usually have a hard time adapting to different conditions, situations, and settings both physically and emotionally. This usually causes efficiency to decrease everywhere. However, robots can easily learn and adapt, which will in return increase efficiency.

The future of robotics, along with downsides, will definitely bring about more of these benefits and contributions. The days where robots will be in full control are approaching. To analyze the future of robotics and be prepared for the future, it is vital and essential to learn and understand more about robotics. The future of robotics will trigger an even more complex future for both humans and robotics.
You can find interesting: 5 Reasons To Learn Robotics and Coding
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