The Riders Pan-European Virtual Robot Tournament took place within the scope of the European Robotics Week 2022, with 16 teams and 96 students from 15 different countries competing for more than 1400 hours. Albania has managed to lead the tight competition, by passing the runner-up Afghanistan by 0,02 points who also was followed by the Hungarian IKun team.

Since 2011, European Robotics Week, organized by the European Robotics Society, has hosted a virtual robotics competition in an e-sports atmosphere with the sponsorship of Riders this year.
ERW 2022, which is organized for the 12th time this year, aims to ensure that robotics research and development processes reach every segment of society and build the robotics community of the future. The event, which has hosted more than 460 thousand participants to date, was once again the meeting address for roboticists on November 18-27 this year.
Riders, which has many simulation environments based on real-life scenarios and where you can find robotics coding applications in Python programming language, enabled 96 high school students to compete with each other in teams at ERW 2022.
At ERW 2022, students who successfully completed the 2-week-long training camp received a Riders-approved training certificate. Mentors determined by the National Organizers in each country helped the teams in the preparation phase. Then, during qualifying competitions, the teams achieved great results by competing in categories such as Line-Following Robots, Robot Arms, Drone Flying, and Autonomous Industrial Robots for nearly 1400 hours. Our teams, which are among the top 3 teams in the final competition, will fight for the summit in the World Cup.
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About Riders
Riders Online Robotics Education and Competition Platform has been developed as a solution to various problems encountered in the cost, scaling, and development processes encountered in robotic application development as an accessible robotic platform focused on research and education. The Riders platform is a cloud-based online platform that offers rich content in the fields of robotics, data science, and artificial intelligence interactively with simulation infrastructure. Riders is designed to support the skills of developers, to enable them to evaluate the algorithms they develop simultaneously with the simulation infrastructure, and to measure their level through competitions. No hardware is required.
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