In this article, we are going to talk about Arduino and its robotic coding examples. We hope this Arduino information can provide you some benefits if you have a future at robotic coding.
What is Arduino?
Arduino is an open source hardware development platform that can be used to design and build electronic devices that interact with the real world. Basically, Arduino is a microcontroller board with an entire computer on a chip. The processor core, memory and input & output controls are all on a single chip. An Arduino microcontroller includes elements such as the actual microcontroller chip, power management, timing modules and input and output headers.
Arduino was originally created to help students without a technical background, used by tinkerers, software developers, engineers and hobbyists. Various controllers and microprocessors are used in the design of Arduino boards. With Arduino robotic coding, students who have no knowledge or experience in programming can learn quickly and easily move on to practice. Robots, drones, musical instruments and even irrigation systems can be programmed with an Arduino. From hospital management systems to building robots, from creating credit card payment systems to controlling intercity traffic, Arduino can be used in many different areas.
Arduino for Beginners
Simply put, Arduino is a microcontroller. In the form of a small computer, Arduino boards are used as the brain of the robot. With Arduino robotic coding, the way buttons, motors, switches, lights and other electronic parts work together can be controlled and programmed. The fact that the processes programmed with Arduino robotic coding can be seen in practice in the real world makes Arduino kits interesting for children. The Arduino Kit can also be used by plugging it into a computer. Programs written on the computer can be sent to Arduino.
Arduino is important for beginners to see that robotics is in every aspect of our lives. Arduino robotic coding encourages creativity and the development of problem-solving skills. Students working on Arduino projects must first learn to be creative. Learning how to solve problems that may arise when creating new inventions is one of the most important contributions of Arduino robotic coding. All these are important skills that prepare students for the problems they may face in the real world.
What is an Arduino Kit?
The Arduino Kit consists of all the components used to design digital or electronic devices. The simple design of the Arduino kit makes it an essential piece of hardware for beginners and students. Arduino contains a number of different parts and interfaces on a single circuit board. Although its design has changed over the years, it is generally the same hardware with the same elements

(Arduino Uno Project Basic Starter Kit:
The Arduino Kit consists of both hardware and software. The Arduino board can be given a set of instructions that it can perform, from simple to complex. Traditional programmable circuit boards require separate hardware to load the code onto the board. Arduino eliminates the need for hardware. A USB cable is sufficient to load code onto the board. Arduino kits include all the basic components needed to start programming and tutorial projects designed to take you from beginner to professional level. Arduino uses a simplified version of the C++ programming language.
Differences Between Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Just like Arduino, Raspberry Pi is a mini computer consisting of a single panel with open source code. Raspberry Pi is the size of a bank card which is used for education, training or hobby purposes. Although Raspberry Pi is designed for children to learn the working logic of computers and develop basic coding skills, it has many uses in our daily lives and it is possible to perform many functions that a computer performs using Raspberry Pi. For example, smart devices, smart home systems, autonomous systems and robotic systems.
Arduino Robotic Coding Examples
Robotic coding forms an important part of students' education as it encourages creativity and problem solving. The rapid growth of careers involving programming makes learning robotic coding more important. With Arduino robotic coding, one can learn about electronics, mechanics and software; thanks to Arduino projects put into practice, any task that the imagination can create can be realized through instructions that include programming. Some Arduino examples that can be made with Arduino robotic coding are as follows:
1) Robot Arm

(Arduino Robot Arm:
A robotic arm is a mechanical arm that has programmable features and can perform even tasks that a human arm cannot perform, although it works like a human arm. Often used in automated production processes such as welding, assembly and packaging, the robotic arm can be used to assemble a car or design an Arduino board. Robotic arms, which are widely used in industries, can perform repetitive tasks in continuous periods. A smartphone can be used to control the robotic arm designed with Arduino robotic coding or wireless control can be provided through custom-made Android applications.
2) Line Follower

(Riders MEB Competition Line Follower Category:
One of the most exciting categories of the Riders Robotics League, the Line Following Robot is one of the most fun examples that can be made with Arduino robotic coding. A Line-Following Robot is an automated vehicle that follows a line embedded in a surface. Beginners and students often have their first robotic experience with this robot. Giant Line-Following Robots are used in industries to assist automated production processes. The working logic of the Line Following Robot is to sense the line on the road and its surroundings. The data collected by the sensors that detect the line is transferred to the Arduino and the robot is enabled to follow the line with coding.

3) Bluetooth Controlled Robot Car

(Arduino Bluetooth Car:
The Arduino Bluetooth controlled robot car, which can be controlled via a mobile app, is a fun and interactive Arduino project that allows you to control a small car using your smartphone. Providing a basic understanding of Arduino programming, this project requires the ability to connect the Arduino board to a Bluetooth module.
4) Mecanum Wheeled Robot

(Arduino Mecanum Tekerlekli Robot:
The Mecanum Wheeled Robot is an Arduino robot car that uses mecanum wheels instead of normal wheels, allowing the robot to go in any direction it wants. The wheels are connected to four stepper motors, each individually controlled. The motors rotate the wheels in a specific pattern and they can move in any direction thanks to the rollers placed diagonally around them. The Arduino Robot Car can be controlled remotely via bluetooth modules or an Android app.
5) Light Tracking Robot

(Arduino Light Tracking Robot:
The Light Tracking Robot is a fully automatic light tracker which is an Arduino project that can be designed without many spare parts. In its construction, two light-dependent resistors are mounted on a servo motor so that a plate running vertically between the sensors provides separate fields of view. The two resistors measure light at regular intervals. Code on the Arduino board makes the servo rotate when one resistor receives more light. The Light Tracking Robot can continuously and seamlessly track the light of, for example, a flashlight.
6) Sumo Robot

(Arduino Sumo Robot:
Sumo Robot is one of the robots that can be designed with Arduino robotic coding. It is one of the most entertaining categories of robotics competitions. Sumo Robots, named after the Japanese Sumo sport, are robots that are placed in the ring and try to throw each other out. Sumo Robots, which must be designed in the appropriate dimensions according to the rules, must be programmed not to go out of the circle.
7) Ant Robot

(Arduino Ant Robot:
Inspired by biology, the Arduino Ant Robot is a hexapod robot consisting of six legs, head, jaw, antennae and functional eyes. Each leg has three joints and a servo motor is used for each joint. Servos are needed for the head movements and the tail. The brain of the robot is Arduino Mega. The Ant Robot has a built-in ultrasonic sensor in the head and can detect objects in front of it. Also it can be controlled remotely via Bluetooth and smartphone.
8) Arduino RC Airplane

(Arduino RC Airplane:
RC Airplane design requires knowledge of aerodynamics and simple mechanics. We can say it is one of the most enjoyable Arduino examples to use. In the construction of the airplane, the Arduino microcontroller is used to create the plane's own receiver and transmitter. Using the transmitter, the plane's wings, rise and fall and speed can be adjusted. RC airplanes that are made with Arduino robotic coding, can really fly.
Riders is the Future of Robotic Coding
Riders offers schools and teachers advanced educational content to complement STEM curricula and a technological infrastructure that does not require additional costs. After developing your robotic coding skills in Riders, you can transfer the projects you design on our platform to real robots with Arduino cards and realize the digital twin concept through the Riders platform.

You can see the real robot in the upper right part of this project visual, which we realized with the Arduino card, and its digital twin transferred to the simulation on the screen on the left.
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